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International BTEC


BTEC International Level 3 offers learners aged 16 and above the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for a career, continue in further education, or progress to higher education.

The demand for workforce skills is increasing and the need for global certification in technical and vocational areas is growing. BTEC qualifications are uniquely placed to respond to these skills gaps by providing practical skills assessment and up-to-date career-focussed education in traditional and emerging sectors.

BTEC provide a flexible pathway - combining knowledge, skills and their application to real-life scenarios - enabling learners to progress to higher education or employment. You can be sure that a BTEC-qualified candidate will have the skills and knowledge needed to upskill your workforce.

BTECs are career-focused qualifications taken by over 1 million learners every year and are recognised in more than 70 countries worldwide.

Explore BTEC International

Uppsala International School offers Level 3 International BTEC Extended Diplomas in both Business Studies and Information Technology. BTEC courses are career-related courses that provide the theoretical underpinning and academic rigour of a Level 3 programme, as well as helping students develop skills and competences required for lifelong learning.

An international Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma is a two-year qualification equivalent to three A-Levels. International BTEC qualifications are accepted at many universities around the world.

BTEC, the acronym for the British and Technology Education Council, is a specialist work-related qualification which, like the IBCP, combines practical learning with subject and theory content. This is the ideal pathway for those who wish to hone their professional skills prior to entering the workplace or going to university.

BTEC International Level 3 qualifications are 100% internally assessed through assignments and practical tasks; assessments are set and marked by the school, so a real benefit of BTEC that it is assessed purely through coursework and not through exams. 

An international Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma is a two-year qualification equivalent to three A-Levels.

International BTEC qualifications are accepted at many universities around the world.

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